Ethical Principle of Handling Situations
We as human beings have a moral responsibility to ourselves and communities uphold the law for which is right and wrong. I am explaining the ethical principle in which this situation takes place and the right thing to do is to report it.
The Ethical Principle of Handling Situations Normative ethics explains how people ought to be honest in certain situations. We have to understand the rules for our moral decision making and take facts into consideration. The golden rule is a classic example of normative ethics. We should do unto others as we have them to do unto us. It would be wrong for me to lie, cheat, steal, or kill others. What should we do? What actions are good or bad? Meta ethics seeks understanding towards ethical judgment such as good, bad, right, and wrong. We all have disagreements on what we ought to do when it comes to moral decisions. Normative ethics is what I would use because everything sounds good with her career that they are offering. But there are some illegal business going on with this company’s dumping habits. And the boss is using we are doing this solely so that we can fund the program that is sponsoring your career. So we have to ask ourselves is it morally wrong for what the company is doing? This is the lives of children that we are talking about. Morally it would be the right thing for Joelle to report this to her mom. So the normative ethics is what she ought to do for the rightness and wrongness of the company’s action. Joelle as a minor has to step up and tell her mom so that she can make the right decision. I hope that someone would use the values that we were and are raised on have the morals to stop these type of situations from going untold. No matter where are what we do children is the future. A since of integrity about the lives of others, and by assessing the genius and uniqueness of values within.