Article Critique: Ethical Problems Observed By Student Nurses
Article Critique: Ethical Problems Observed By Student Nurses
This article was based on a descriptive study conducted to determine nursing students’ observation of ethical problems encountered in their clinical practice. This research article contained a clearly stated title and also an introduction section regarding the study. The purpose of the study was clearly stated within the article: the primary aim was to identify the ethical problems observed or witnessed by students during their clinical practice and the approaches used by nursing to resolve these problems (Erdil &Korkmaz 2009).
An open-ended questionnaire was utilized as the data collection method. The questionnaire included an explanatory statement at the beginning of the form stressing the aim of the study and that participation was voluntary (Erdil& Korkmaz 2009). The results of the study were nicely presented as a table format within the article.
Within the discussion section it was highlighted that because of high patient-to-nurse ratios, insufficient funding and inadequate use of resources, nurses become focused on functions that necessitate technical skills and therefore cannot assume the patient advocacy role. Therefore the nurses become contributors to the ethical problems and patients’ rights violations rather than enablers in resolving them (Erdil&Korkmaz 2009).In conclusion, the research article discusses limitations and implications for nursing practice and nursing research.
In my opinion this ethical research article met its guidelines to be adequately critiqued. The strengths and the limitations were clearly defined. Strengths included: organizing the clinical experience of students in such a way as to contribute to their ethical decision-making capacity. Limitations included: the results of the study should be interpreted cautiously