Tiffany Renee
April 19, 2011
Health Law and Ethics
Ethical Self-Assessment Paper
Healthcare professionals are faced with making multi-faceted decisions on a daily basis. These decisions are not just limited to clinical matters, but they include the total patient care experience. Because of emerging healthcare trends and complex health law and ethics, it is imperative that healthcare administrators have a professional organization that they can belong to. “The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is an international professional society of more than 35,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations. ACHE is known for its prestigious FACHE® credential, signifying board certification in healthcare management, and its educational programs including the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership” (American College of Healthcare Executives, n.d.). The Ethics Self–Assessment Tool and Individual Decision Making The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) provides an ethics self-assessment which is made up of thought-provoking questions to serve as a moral compass using the ACHE Code of Ethics as its basis. No matter what your role in the healthcare system, the self-assessment provides a standard for various healthcare relationships including, “Community, Board, Colleagues, Staff, Clinicians, Buyers, Payors and Suppliers.” (American College of Healthcare Executives, n.d.). Any questions that were not answered with “always,” identified an area of weakness in which ethics were being compromised. The first lesson learned is that there are numerous situations where healthcare professionals may believe
References: American College of Healthcare Executives. (n.d.). About ACHE. Retrieved from Harris, D. M. (2008). Contemporary issues in healthcare law and ethics. (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Morrison, E. E. (2011). Ethics in health administration: A practical approach for decision makers (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.