Ethical Standards
Conflicts of InterestIn accordance with the Constitution and the Corporations Act 2001, Directors are required to disclose to the Board any material contract in which they may have an interest. In compliance with section 195 of the Corporations Act 2001 any Director with a material personal interest in a matter being considered by the Board will not vote on or be present when the matter is being considered. If the material personal interest is disclosed or identified before a Board or Committee meeting takes place those Directors will also not receive a copy of any paper dealing with the matter.
Share TradingThe Board has adopted a Group Securities Trading policy which prohibits Directors, employees and contractors of the Group from:
Dealing in the Group’s securities if they are in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information; and
Communicating unpublished price-sensitive information to other people.
Directors are also only permitted to deal with the Group’s securities within certain periods, as long as they are not in the possession of unpublished price-sensitive information. These periods include the 30 days after the half yearly and final results announcements, and 14 days after quarterly trading update releases.
The Policy also requires that Directors do not deal on the basis of considerations of a short term nature or to the extent of trading in those securities. Similar restrictions apply to Executives of the Group, which is in addition to the prohibition of any trading (including hedging) in positions prior to vesting of shares or options.
Directors and Executives who report to the CEO are also prohibited from:
Any hedging of publicly disclosed shareholding positions; and
Entering into or maintaining arrangements for margin borrowing, short selling or stock lending, in connection with the securities of the Group.
View Group Securities Trading Policy§.