Leaders are having to make important decisions not only on corporate finance levels, but also need to meet their responsibilities environmentally and socially. Their role as a leader is the balance between the welfare of others and the preservation of their own personal welfare, they carry the moral obligation. The best leaders convey their ethics and personal values for everyone to see and know, by communicating complete and accurate information about their values and expectations. Those organizations and leaders that want to practice positive workplace morals and ethics should develop a well written standard of conduct, and provide the appropriate ethical training to their employees. These resources will help an individual make good, informed business decisions that in the long run benefits the…
When reviewing multiple ethical paradigms, Shapiro and Gross (2013) stated one must understand the definition of ethics. From the Greeks, the word ethos meant “customs” or “usages”, but later the word ethics was defined as meaning “disposition or character, customs, and approved ways of acting” (Shapiro and Gross, 2013). When theorist and educators began to develop models to explain ethics in an educational realm, Sergiovanni sought after moral leadership as a principle of justice in regards to his “virtuous schools” (Shapiro and Gross, 2013). Sergiovanni believed leaders in education to be stewards within the educational system to be just and beneficent, by having a deep concern for the welfare of the school as a community (Shapiro and Gross, 2013). This theory was to extend beyond the school and into the community, by taking in the students, teachers, administrators, and families well-being into account through equality, dignity, and fair play for all (Shapiro and Gross, 2013).…
Ethical leadership may be easily used to ethically motivate others in an ethical direction. Understanding the core values and having the courage to live be them can be hard for many individual, especially if they are financial driven or power stricken. Human Services field is generally considered a sensitive area which is of enormously important. They are several issue can be associated with ethical decisions in Human Services. Making any decisions within Human Services whether ethically or non- ethically should be taken seriously, especially when it is influenced by their decision with the dignity and respect. Knowledge and Courage are two of the major components of Ethical leadership; another important section of this structure is the imagination. When an individual is lacking imagination, it stops you from looking beyond the usual limits of an issue. The key objective of a leader is always recognition…
Mosser, Kurt (2010). Ethics and Social Responsibility. Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from https://content.ashford.edu/books/AUENG125.10.1/sections/copyright…
As we move into the new millennium, there is an emphasis on the need for leadership and the complexities of developing effective moral leadership. In out postmodern society, chaos and corruption prevail. Organizations are created while others go out of business. Programs that are effective and necessary are eliminated, while profit-making programs that serve those who have the least need find a solid market share. From a realist perspective, it is argued that leaders cannot afford ethics in this world of increasing responsibilities, political and economic intimidation, and competitive interests. However, an alternative view would argue that leaders should follow the requirements of ethics. Further, ethical leadership leads to the development of quality human services, empowered consumers and community citizens, and committed employees.…
nterest in restorative justice has been growing since the early 1990s. In many countries, programs, studies and discussion groups on the subject have proliferated. The failure of the punitive justice model, excessive use of incarceration and the alienation of victims and lack of response to their needs have generated support for this new way of thinking (Roach, 2000; Law Commission of Canada, 2003; Hudson, 2003). In Canada, the emergence of the restorative justice model can also be attributed to the inability of the justice system to find solutions to crime in Aboriginal communities and the problem of over-representation of Aboriginal persons in correctional facilities.…
We chose to write our paper and give our presentation on the Juvenile Justice Services of Utah. We chose this topic first and foremost because this is the direction and area in which we both have chosen to pursue in our future employment and something that we both feel passionate about. Going beyond that, we both have made choices as a youth that led us to this path. Our paper will outline the objectives of JJS, who qualifies and what requirements they must meet, how the program works, and the desired outcome of the completion of the program. We will also discuss tracking measures, funding, and overall statics of the program, and treatment options that are available to those who qualify. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow; all who succeed no matter the road…
In this paper, I will discuss three forms of injustice or bias in the American corrections system as it applies to differing branches of government and criminal justice. First, intermediate sentencing for non-violent offenders and why it should be expanded. Second, Political bias in the judicial system in regards to light sentences to violent offenders. Lastly, I will discuss the pardon power of the executive branch politicians in our society and how it can be unjust due to bias.…
References: K.Mosser (2010). Ethics and Social Responsibility. Bridgepoint Education, Inc., 13500 Evening Creek Drive North, Suite 600, San Diego, CA 92128 Retrieved form: https://content.ashford.edu/books/AUSOC120.10.2/sections/ch00…
References: Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to ethics and social responsibility. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu…
If you watch or read the news today, you will find that there are many ethical and political issues that plague the United States. Many of these issues involve politicians debating over what is right or wrong for the country. One issue that particularly caught my attention was the huge debate over President Obama’s Health Care Reform Law requiring insurance plans to provide women with free contraception and birth control. The ethical issue that it presents is that many religious institutions and employers feel that it infringes on their constitutional rights of religious freedom, and they are opposing this law because of their religious views regarding birth control. The ethical problem that it can create is forcing religiously affiliated employers, like Catholic hospitals and universities, to provide their female employees with insurance that provides free contraception, which is against their religious beliefs. The ethical debate over free contraception and birth control for women has now become a political debate over religious liberties versus women’s health. By examining this law with the various ethical theories, it can be proven that this law can be beneficial to all parties involved, and should be supported to improve the overall state of health care for all women.…
References: Mosser, Kurt 2010; Ethics and Social Responsibility, Bridgepoint Education San Diego, CA. retrieved from http://content.ashford.edu…
Aristotle once said, “It is in justice that the ordering of society is centered”. In our society there are theories of justice, which is Retribution, Utilitarianism and Restitution. These forms have similarities and differences and are use in many different social groups every day.…
I believe that Americans have a choice whether they want to stand up for others or to stay neutral, we are not required to fight the battle of others but in my opinion we should help others in need. If you don’t stand up for justice of all people you are technically letting it happen but it doesn’t mean you support injustice or propose it upon others. If you see injustice happening what do you do? Do you step in or do you let it go? I think it depends on the situation, if it is someone that can’t fend for themselves then yes I believe you should step in, if someone is harming another to better themselves someone should step in.…
The concept of restorative justice centers on a mutual understanding between the offender and community in regards to the offender's previous criminal acts. This theory focuses on repairing harm the offender inflicted on the community in a non-retributive manner. With the assistance of the community, victims and the cooperation of the offender, this theory points the ability to repair the criminal in a non-traditional means. The traditional mindset being of the community or society seeing an offender as a lost cause and for a “lock them up and throw away the key” mentality. Instead, offenders should still be accountable for their actions, however, the community and victims come together in an informal means of justice to heal the criminal.…