a. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they like the taste of it.
Answer: Goal-Based Ethics.
b. I believe that if sand is going to be eaten, then it should be available for everyone to eat.
Answer: Human Nature Ethics.
c. I believe people should be able to eat sand because eating sand is the right thing to do. Answer: Duty-Based Ethics.
d. I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is good for …show more content…
Duty-based is linked to universal principals that should govern all our actions. A reason is a faculty that aids discovery of correct moral principals, because reason guides will result actions are done from duty. A common example of duty-based is the Ten Commandments, each commandment is simple, and to refrain from certain actions or you 'll pay the consequences. In the Sears Loss Prevention (L.P.) department at work the majority of the time we must perform acts for the benefit of the company and the department rather than the individual associate whether we believe the act is right or …show more content…
This concept focuses on the consequences of human actions, and all actions are evaluated to achieve the desirable goal. The concept of right, wrong, and duty are subordinated by end or purpose of an action. Goal-based actions are maximized for the good for all. In the L.P. department I deal with the bad actions of others on a daily bases. When a customer or employees steals there are only focused on there own happiness or pleasure during the time of theft.
The human nature ethics is "set of desires inherent in our nature, which impel us to eat, drink, congregate, procreate: in general, to continue our physical existence an exercise our inborn faculties" (Jahn, Karl). This concept focuses on a person 's underlying moral character. The theory deals with wisdom, generosity and self restraint and good member of the community. A moral development of human nature requires cultivation of good habits based on good upbringing and good