The Ethical Responsibilities of a Company for Workplace Safety
Patricia J Morris
SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility
Professor Rokesha Green
July 30, 2011
I have worked for several different companies, in both retail and distribution over the years. Some companies were very safety conscious, and promoted those ideals within their cultures. Others were not concerned about safety until someone complained or was injured. Last year, my brother died in a workplace accident that should never have happened. He fell thirty feet to a concrete surface from the top of a barge that had inadequate safety railings, there were approximately 10 men and women working on the boat, and only two safety harnesses to go around. Of course, that part was never reported, two days later, the day of the funeral, we received word that a second man had died from a fall off of the same barge. This company is well known for being a dangerous place to work, but according to conversations I had with some of his co-workers, employees were threatened with the loss of their jobs if they complained. Any job carries inherent risk for injury, even if you sit in an office all day. Without their employees, product would not be designed, fabricated or sold. A good Manager knows he has an ethical if not moral obligation to satisfy the needs of his customer, but what about the needs of the people who make that possible? Every year, workplace incidents and accidents cost thousands of lives, millions of dollars, increases in insurance premiums and other costs all of which are passed on to the consumer. Not to mention the loss of a loved one and or income the victim’s family must endure. Therefore, this paper will look from the Utilitarian view, and argue that to serve the greater good, companies
References: (2009). Cambodia. In The world of child labor: An historical and regional survey (). Armonk, NY, USA: M.E. Sharpe. Johnson, L, "President 's Message to Congress on Manpower and Occupational Safety and Health Programs," Jan. 23, 1968, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 110-11. Retrieved from Pennachio, F., “The Effects of the Economy on Workplace Safety”, Mar 1, 2009, Retrieved from:Media Mosser, K., (2010), Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility, Bridgepoint Education: San Diego