Team D WK3 Assignment
The community organization I have chosen is the Disabled American Veterans Association. DAV is a non-profit organization dedicated to serve those who have served and that have disabilities. DAV helps returning veterans with emotional, physical, and financial needs. They have been serving veterans with mental health issues for over half a century. DAV also assists veterans in job placement, and to guide vets in returning to civilian life. DAV provides food and shelter to the homeless vets and can even provide emergency grants to vets in natural disasters.
• Evaluate the organization’s involvement and responsibility to the community.
1. DAV’s involvement in the community is tremendous. A true non-profit there to pay back those who have sacrificed and are suffering. With how difficult and back logged the VA is, DAV is providing help to those who might not get that help for months.
• Summarize what factors have influenced the social responsibility strategies of the organization.
2. The social responsibility of the DAV has been influenced by the veterans who fight for the country. National pride definitely plays a factor which most everyone feels about America’s veterans.
• Does the organization have a social initiative? If so, what is it? If not, identify a social initiative for the organization.
3. DAV’s sole initiative is to fulfill promises to our vets by selflessly providing them life assistance including fighting for them on Capitol Hill.
• What are the potential ethical or moral effects of the organization’s social initiative or potential social initiative?
4. With this organization, most of the country have the same ethical and moral feelings towards this issue. The initiative does not change in that as long as the country