1) Human autonomy
a. Arrington -
b. Crisp – autonomy itself is a moral position, don’t ask if the mechanics of autonomy are working properly, it is abt the spirit of autonomy, what does it mean to have autonomy
2) Advertising
a. Crisp – think informative advertising is a good thing, attacking persuasive advertising instead -> should not try to create some sort of motivation, should motivate the way things should be, cos what makes us human is able to consciously consider alternatives, so best type of advertisements should allow to think what we want and weigh our choices properly before making a decision – explicit advertising, gives us ability to function as a human being. Persuasive advertising prefers that you don’t understand your motivation, gives you one to buy sth, persuasive in an implicit manner.
a.i. Some advertisers want to use subliminal advertising, but not too concern abt that. Why deal with extremes, deal with the heart of the matter -> puffery
a.ii. Attacking advertising cos it is dehumanising, undermines our human abilities and takes advantage of our human abilities
b. Arrington – puffery, just advertising in general (not concerned abt the details of advertising), way of conveying a certain type of information, any type of desire you have is informed by advertising
Crisp follows Arrington point by point, take on autonomy is different
Kant’s definition of human autonomy is too formalised and hard to achieve -> ideal, unattainable, hard to achieve
Arrington sets the bar too low
Crisp – free will, free action