
Ethics and Environmental Case Study

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Ethics and Environmental Case Study
Ethics and Environment Case Study Project

Learning Team C

Lynette Barnhart, Russell Cortez, Eric Hiram, Domoniqué Shaw


March 28, 2011
Howard Schmidt, M.S., M.B.A.

Ethics and Environment Case Study Project

When air pollution is mentioned, many think of the city Los Angeles. However, Beijing China and Mexico City have become well known for air pollution, with Beijing topping the list of worst air quality in the world (Raven, Berg, & Hassenzahl. 2010). At the same time Mexico City is no stranger to air pollution, ranking fourth of major metropolitan areas in the world (Raven,, 2010). Leaders in developing countries have a strong desire to become more industrialized in order to compete with developed countries economically (Raven,, 2010). Beijing and Mexico City have growing populations and industrialization, causing an increase in air pollution (Raven,, 2010). As these countries strive to compete, air pollution laws are often ignored and outdated technologies are used (Raven, 2010). Leaders need to comply with the laws and regulations, which require newer technology, and environmental awareness to ensure protection of the environment, and safety of citizens. Historical Development As Beijing has rapidly grown from a population of four million in 1949 to 11.6 million in 2004 so has the air pollution (Xiangde, Xie, Ding, & Bian 2005). The main cause for this rapid growth is economic investments and industrialization (Xiangde,, 2005). As industrialization and urbanization continue to increase, so does the number of people in the area. In addition urban construction has also continued to rapidly grow (Xiangde, 2005). This has increased from 2.9 million m2 to 70 million m2 in less than forty years (Xiangde,, 2005). The increase in population, urbanization, and industrialization has stressed the natural environment. Beijing now has the worst air quality in the world (Raven,,

References: IDRC (ND). Case study: Mexico (Air Pollution) — Taking Control of Air Pollution in Mexico City. Retrieved March 8, 2011, from,  Larson, C Light, A., & Rolston, H., III (Eds.). (2003). Environmental ethics: An anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. Raven, P., Berg, L., & Hassenzahl, D. (2010). Environment. (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2009). Air Pollution Effects on Humans. Retrieved March 8, 2011, from the web: True Run Media (2009) (1994). Mexico City: A topographical error. Environment. 36(2). 25-28.

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