Jeremiah S. Bencker
In This paper I will cover how ethics morals and laws impact the people in the supply chain of making clothing. I will cover how the introduction of labor unions has impacted the working conditions and the lives of the workers in the garment making industry. I will also go over what you as a consumer can do to ensure that the products you buy are not adding to the problem.
Ethics and Morales in the Supply Chain of Making a T-Shirt
The apparel industry has historically relied on a contracting system that has allowed brand-name companies to eschew legal liability for the working conditions of those who actually sew their garments. A race to the bottom ensued with brand-name companies using these divisions and their own unrestricted mobility to play workers (and countries) against each other. (Esbenshade, 2004) Thirty years ago in Bangladesh there were less than 400 garment factories employing about 120,000 workers. Today there are more than 4000 factories with more than four million workers and these jobs have lifted many people out of the destitute poverty that village life might otherwise offer them. Garment workers routinely toil in factories for long hours for low wages but the jobs can often offer a glimpse of a better life than the one they left behind. While wages for workers in Bangladesh have risen in the last year they are still the lowest paid garment workers in the world and no one can pretend a family can live on a single salary. (Nolan, 2014) On April 24th 2013 an eight story garment factory in Rana Plaza collapsed killing more than 1100 workers and crippling thousands more. The fact that this building, which had been illegally expanded to house five factories over eight floors, was in no fit state was common knowledge - bankers and shop workers had evacuated days before, but the garment workers were threatened with losing their jobs if they didn't return to
References: Clean Clothes Campaign. (n.d.). Where can I buy 'clean ' clothes? Retrieved from Clean Clothes Campaign Improving working conditions in the global garment industry: Esbenshade, J. (2004). Codes of Conduct: Challenges and Opportunities for Workers ' Rights. Social Justice, 40-59. Givhan, R. (2014, November 25). Can cheap clothing generate fair wages? H&M believes it can. Retrieved from The Washington Post: Human Rights Watch. (2014, February 6). Bangladesh: Protect Garment Workers’ Rights. Retrieved from Human Rights Watch: Jones, D. (2014, April 01). How The World Has Changed Since Rana Plaza. Retrieved from Vogue: Nolan, J. (2014, april 23). Business as usual is no longer an option. Retrieved from The Drum: O 'Donnell, J., & Mitchell, B. (2013, May 23). Do shoppers feel guilty about Bangladesh? Retrieved from USA TODAY: