ACM Public Policy Principles
Universal Access to Information Free flow of information is crucial to our democracy, and accessibility to information is certain to have an impact on, among other things, economic growth, education, public health, and the effective utilization of government services.
Intellectual Property USACM contributes to the development of policy governing copyright and intellectual property in electronic media.
Computer Encryption and Security USACM emphasizes that protecting open research is critical if encryption policy is to effectively respond to the needs of a growing global market
The 1st Amendment and the Internet USACM promotes speech and opposes censorship of the net.
Funding of Science Research USACM is committed to pursuing funding and investment policy that would maintain this leadership.
Privacy USACM is active in pursuing policy and legislation that would ensure individual privacy safeguards in the information age.
Internet Governance The ACM supports the healthy growth and development of the Internet through its work for the creation and proper monitoring of governance organizations that develop technical standards, set policies and otherwise influence the future of