1.0 Aims 1 2.0 Objectives 3 3.0 Introduction 5 4.0 Questions (a) and (b) 13 5.0 Conclusion 14 6.0 References 15
1.0 Aims
To understand students understand the importance of work ethics in the work place.
2.0 Objectives 1. Instill strong organizational values. 2. Build an integrity-based organization. 3. Develop ethical behavioral influences. 4. Implement plans and strategies to achieve ethical excellence.
3.0 Introduction
According to Chester Barnard, an organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities or efforts of two or more persons. His meaning of organization implies formal planning, division, of labor and leadership.
On the other hand, Bedeian and Zamnuto see organizations as social entities that are goal directed, deliberately structured activity systems with a permeable boundary. Their meaning of “deliberately structured activity systems” basically means that organizations are structured in a proper way jobs are divided among people to achieve a common goal.
According to www.dictionary.com, an organization a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. Every organization has a management structure which will divide and break down the roles and tasks of different members. Organizations are also regarded as open systems which affects and also are affected by environment. (dictionary.com, n.d.)
In any organization, reputation is very important and ethics plays a vital role in the success of an organization. In short, ethics is the choices which individuals make both in their personal and professional lives which deal with morality such as right versus wrong. (Charles D. Little, 2000)
Business ethics also refers to ways in an organization carry out its business according to the accepted moral standards. It is actually a set of moral principles and code of conducts applicable to all businesses which not only relates to the
References: Prema Jayabalan (2013), Workplace ethics: Ensuring harmony in the office [online] Available from : http://mystarjob.com/articles/story.aspx?file=%2F2013%2F2%2F2%2Fmystarjob_careerguide%2F12606844&sec=mystarjob_careerguide (Accessed on 27th February 2013) John J. Kane (2013), Code of Conducts and Ethics [online] Available from : http://codeofconduct.pdf (Accessed on 25th February 2013) Businessdictionary.com (n.d.), What is an Organization? [online] Available from : http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organization.html#ixzz2LVVEI0Il (Accessed on 27th February 2013) Managementstudyguide.com (2008), Business Ethics - A Successful way of conducting business [online] Available from : http://www.managementstudyguide.com/business-ethics.htm (Accessed on 27th February 2013) Spj.org (2012), Society of Professional Journalists: SPJ Code of Ethics [online] Available from : http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp (Accessed on 27th February 2013) Don Knauss (n.d.), The Role Of Business Ethics In Relationships With Customers [online] Available from : http://www.forbes.com/2010/01/19/knauss-clorox-ethics-leadership-citizenship-ethics.html (Accessed on 28th February 2013) Sumitama Mukherjee (n.d.), What is an Organization? [online] Available from : http://whatisanorganization.pdf (Accessed on 28th February 2013) Charles D. Little (n.d.), Organizational/Business Ethics [online] Available from : http://wweb.uta.edu/management/Dr.Little/.../Organizational%20Ethics.ppt (Accessed on 28th February 2013)