Health Care’s Law and Ethics Environment
Judy Aycock Islande Lallemand February 17, 2013
Ethics compliance is very important thing in the medical field and any medical organization. It is very important to have ethical standards for medical professional to follow in the office. The ethics and compliance plan shows the medical professional commitment to having an ethical work environment. The importance of the ethics compliance plan is to set forth standards of proper legal, ethical and professional behavior and explain how medical staff, clients, volunteers, families and vendors can communicate any legal concerns that they have. Medical professionals have to be familiar with responsibility not only to themselves but to patients, society and other health care professionals.
The three forms of advanced directives The three major forms of advanced directives are living will, durable power of attorney and health care proxy. Living will is a will that is drawn by a living person in which they can request to die naturally instead of being kept alive unnatural means in the incident there is no possible recovery from mental or physical disabilities. Some States have different requirements for living wills statutes. A living will can only be executed when the individual is alive and competent. Another advanced directive is durable power of attorney. A durable power of attorney is a record that allows the person that is writing the durable power of attorney to allocate to additional person the legal power to act on the primary’s behalf. In durable power of attorney, the primary is given writing permission to another person as their attorney in fact. In case of disability or incapacity of the primary person then the person with the durable power of attorney can make decisions for the primary. The last of the advanced directives is a health care proxy. A health care proxy a record appointing an individual to act as a