University of Phoenix: ETH/316
October 22, 2012
Ryan BuschEthicsGame Dilemmas
The EthicsGame is a simulation program used by students of different colleges and universities to learn how to make ethical decisions using real-world scenarios. This simulation will review two ethical dilemmas, "The Mysterious Blogger" and "The Veiled ID" which are discussed in relation to the four ethical lenses and the Baird decision making process. This essay will further explain the simulation of EthicsGame Dilemmas.
The Mysterious Blogger
The ethical issues presented in the EthicsGame scenario "The Mysterious Blogger" is one that surrounds whether information obtained illegally by one associate should be used to discipline another associate for violating the company 's non-disclosure agreement (The EthicsGame, p. 4). The ethical issue is that Aaron Webb was violating the company 's non-disclosure agreement by posting sensitive information on the Internet via an anonymous blog. However, this information was uncovered when Jamal Moore hacked into Aaron Webb 's home computer and discovered the issue. The first issue is illegal activity and the second is a violation of the non-disclosure agreement. The ethical perspectives, or lenses, that are used to make the decisions in the simulation are the Rights/Responsibilities Lens which depends on an ethical actions, "doing one’s duty and following ethical standards of action" (The Ethical Lenses, 2012). These ethical lens of Rights/Responsibilities influence decisions by guiding decisions to be made based on which best fulfills the requirements to fulfill . Concepts from this simulation might also relate to a workplace environment should there be a situation where information gathered unethically is used to discipline another. Or perhaps when making decisions the most responsibly is important.
Results Lens: What option will make the most stakeholders the happiest?
Relationship Lens: What process guarantees
References: Ethics Game The Ethical Lenses