Attending The University of Phoenix, we are required in Gen 300 to write a research paper on Ethics in an Academic Environment. In this research paper, you will be able to surmise the ideologies of ethics in an Academic environment and how they both play a vital role in our everyday surroundings. We will also explain how Ethics in an Academic Environment affects everyone on a day-to-day basis whether positive or negative. These ethics play a vital role in our daily development. Ethics is the discipline of dealing with what is the right thing to do and practicing the Golden Rule. Environment is the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded (Dictionary, 2007).
Dealing with ethical morals within the academic setting becomes more apparent in keeping our focus on our end results. As a student of any institution and having assignments or tests to complete, the role you play in ethics is very important. Living in today 's society, we make decisions for everything we do. In dealing with the environment and different daily tasks, we often make decisions that we sometimes regret. Those decisions are based on the situations we are involved in at that particular time. This paper will explain different reasons why and how Ethics in an Academic Environment plays a part in the collegiate learning environment.
Ethics in an Academic Environment
We live in a fast paced world. In our quest for success, we seek the quickest and easiest way to get what we want. Most of the time, we never give any real thought to the role of ethics in our decision making. We want results and we want them now. When we take the time to consider what really matters in this world, our lives, and the lives we share with friends and family; it 's the little things that make the biggest difference. Michael Josephson outlines the pillars of Character as follows; Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Good Citizenship. (Josephson M.S., 2007)
References: Dictionary (2007). Encarta Dictionaries. Microsoft Corporation 2007 Josephson, M.S., & Hanson, W. (2004, March). Character Counts. Unlimited Publishing LLC, 2004. p.45 Retrieved October 18, 2007 from Carroll, A.B. (2003, November). Is College Too Late To Teach Character? Journal of College and Character. p.1-2. Retrieved October 18, 2007 from Eberhardt, D. (2006, April). How Should Educators Respond to Academic Dishonesty in College? Journal of College Character, 7,(3), p.1-2 Glater, J.D. (2006, May). Cheating Gets Easier With Gadgetry. The New York Times, 2006, May, p.1-3. Retrieved October 18, 2007, from