INTRODUCTION- Corporate world has shown enormous growth during the last century. But to develop your business it is mandatory that companies should follow certain rules and ethics so that your consumers can rely on you. According to Manuel. G. Velasquez business ethics are focussed on the moral policies and behaviour of business. It is not only to analyse the ethics but also to apply these ethics in the real business world. At present business world is facing lot of unethical issues such as corruption, unethical trade, absence of whistle blowing, child labour etc. my main focus for this report is to understand the child labour and the policies which are acquired by different companies to get rid from this curse.
CHILD LABOUR- According to Clive Gifford (2009) child labour is the involvement of children at very young age into the full time employment may be the hazardous one. The area of work can be mines, dumps, building sites, farms etc. whereas according to ILO (2004) report all the work in which children are engaged cannot be considered as child labour. Their involvements in such type of work which does not interfere with their schooling and does not affect their mental and personal development are considered as beneficial for them. It can make them able to support their families in financial crisis and equipped them with astounding experience. Actually child labour can be defined as the work which seize children from their childhood and self-respect. It has deleterious effect on their mental and physical growth. It forced them to leave school prematurely or attend school with lot of extra hour work. In its extreme condition it made them slave for a long period or apparent them to illness and serious hazards.
The problem of child labour raised in late 18th and early 19th century. It was the period of industrial revolution. New invented machines replaced the hand power to accomplish the
References: 2. International labour office ( June,2004) Child labour: a textbook for university students International Labour Organisation 3