Trina C. Williams
October 30, 2014
Jay Sizemore
Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration Analysis
Criminal justice can be a difficult career to keep ethics involved; especially when ethical behavior is supposed to be the root of the organization. This profession has the ability to change the life of the accused as well at their family’s life. This responsibility should not be taken lightly. Some employees take this responsibility more seriously than others; even still, most of these employees are human. Police dogs are not humans, but they are trained by humans to follow orders. So even though police dogs generally have an unselfish and bias instinct, their handler’s feelings will persuade how they respond to certain people.
Ethics and Professional Behavior
When defining ethical behavior, often the relationship between police officers and minorities comes to mind. There have been many incidents that have led to minorities feeling there is a lack of ethics being upheld in the police department (Glover, 2007). Recently Michael Brown lost his life as well as Travon martin; in both cases, the people taking the lives of these young men were white males. No wrong doing has been found in …show more content…
Having someone that does not understand the daily activities and stresses beat officers routinely experience usually will not receive the best response. This seminar will be presented by former law enforcement officers from different areas; they have also held multiple positions. Included in this seminar are five objectives discussed. These five topics will include Profiling, Honor/Trust, Training, Harassment, as well as Community Policing. These topics are current and relevant to what officers currently deal with as well as the complaints departments’