Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim,
Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology.
In a technology-driven and digital society, getting information quickly is important to both instructors and students. The expansion and everyday use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have made it possible to quickly and instantly find information, share ideas among peer groups, allow instructors to easily interact with their students, and provide them with enabling platform for research and exploring new ideas. According to FBI-Internet Crime Complaint Center, Nigeria ranked third in the world after US and UK, in internet fraudulent activities. Yet, there is no cyber security law to checkmates these issues locally. Thus, government should work closely with the ICT community (NCC, NITDA, NigComSat, Galaxy backbone, Telecoms firms, and Consultants), in conjunction with legal community, to enact appropriate cybercrime laws. The write-up, bring to light the importance and application of mobile gadgets in learning process, issues associated with using mobile devices and ways to combat them.
Keywords: Digital society, learning, students, instructors, education, mobile gadgets.
Mobile gadgets and phones can be a double-edge sword; the two can be used as a source of many benefits, for instance, the ease with which digital information can be analyzed, transmitted, and shared among numerous people and groups. On the other hand, they can be used to create ways of breaking laws or taking benefits away from others. For example, sending unsolicited e-mails is one of the compelling ethical issues raised by contemporary mobile gadgets users.
Generally, information and communication technology (ICT) and the used of mobile gadgets are applied for the good of humankind; however it can also be abused and used as a tool for felony (L&N Long, 2005). Thus, the
References: AECT (2004). “Association for Educational Communications and Technology” Retrieved from: visited on 05-04-2013. Bressler, D, “Information and Communication Technology in Education, Retrieved frm. visited on 07-05-2013. Ewelukwa (2012).” Wanted: A law on cyber security” Retrieved from: , visited on 07-05-2013. IC3,(2009). “Internet Crime Complain Center 2009”Retrieved from: , visited on 19-04-2013. Kukulska Hulme .(2005). “Innovation in Mobile Learning: a European Perspective” Retrieved from : , visited on 19-04-2013 Kat Stafford, 2013) Martin M. (2009).Ethics in Engineering, 3rd edition New Delhi: MC Graw-Hill P.2-3 Rebecca, Richards (2012) Uwaje, Chris (2009). “Cyber Crime: Its Implications for Internet Business Growth In Nigeria” Retrieved from:, visited on 15-05-2013.