Value Summery
Intrinsic and instrumental value.
Intrinsic goods; good because of their nature. Value of human life because of its nature, value justice.
Instrumental goods; good because of what it can do or get us, help us get other things that we desire.
Health has both
Hedonism, pleasure of good
Hedonistic Paradox If you want happiness don’t aim for it. Put up with the bad to get the long term good.
Are values objective or subjective? Plato: good have value independent of human.
Objective/everything will still be one believes in god but he is still good. (charity, fairness.) Intrinsic value. Value is (Mind Independent) if human think so or not.
Subjective/values are dependent on desires and relative to desires. (Mind Dependent) Perry: value determined by desire.
Relation of value to morality Question: does doing what’s right and avoiding wrong-doing have intrinsic value or instrumental value? We should do what’s right We should do what is right because we don’t have consequences
Value and principles guide your actions.(right actions wrong actions) Weakness of will if you don’t abide by statement above ^
The Good Life Aristotle believed that all people seek happiness(flourishing) Eudemonia: more then happiness being in a better state then you are now. Its an umbrella team (human flourishing)
John rawls “plan of life”
Jeremy bentham
Utilitarianism/ avoid pain maximize pleasure.
Judge it by * Intensity * duration * certainty or un certainty (likelihood or happening) * propinquity or remoteness (sooner or later) * fecundity (produce more pleasure) * purity (displeasure)
If you are utilitarisum you follow these. The alternative to better your life.
Who is affected? Benthams view!
Intrinsic value: meaningful the nature
Instrumental Value: What is good, accomplish a task
Subjective: needs a