Ethics, Politics, and Diversity
Valerie Scott APLED 123 1:30pm 5/16/2011
Ethics Defined
Ethics is amoral standard for right and wrong. Ethical behavior is a reflection of the influences of co-workers, friends, family, religion, and society. Our society and culture influences our ethical behavior. Ethics begins with the individual.
Influences on Ethics at Work
Confidential means that there are matters that should be kept secret. This includes client records, employee information, business reports, documentation, and files. Whether you are told to or not, you have an obligation to not share information with individuals with whom the business is of no concern (implied Confidentiality).
Your ethical behavior extends beyond the professionalism of how you deal with others. It is also reflected in your dependability and how you conduct yourself on company time. Here are a few things you should not do during work: 1. Surfing the Internet for personal business. 2. Taking personal calls. 3. Routinely exceeding allotted break and lunch periods. 4. Making personal calls. 5. Playing computer games. 6. Using company supplies and equipment for non-business purposes. Power and Ethics
Power- is one’s ability to influence another’s behavior.
There are seven bases of power: 1. Legitimate power – power that is given to you by the company; this includes your title your title and any formal authority that comes with your position. 2. Coercive power – power that is derived from your formal position, using threats and punishment. 3. Reward power – power with the ability to influence someone with something of value. Rewards like promotions, bonuses, pay increases, etc. You do not need to have legitimate power to reward others. 4. Connection power – based on using someone else’s