Ethics and social responsibility are key factors when planning one’s personal life or planning for the success of a business. When companies develop strategic plans, they must consider what role ethics will play and how social responsibility will affect the plan keeping stakeholders need at the forefront. If businesses and individuals are making a conscious effort to display ethical behavior, ethical perspectives and beliefs should evolve over time much like what has happened in the master’s of business administration (MBA) program.
Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning
Ethics are guidelines used to help management and employees conduct themselves according to the values and standards set forth by the company. To ensure employees understand the rules and make good ethical decisions, a company’s plan should embody the beliefs and values that the business and their employees view most important. These beliefs and values can be outlined in a company’s mission, vision, and philosophy statements which provide direction, purpose, and a clear understanding of an organization’s behavioral expectations and decisions made by the stakeholders. When adhered to, the mission and vision statements can be the baseline for goal-setting and strategic planning while keeping ethics at the core of all decisions.
Pearson and Robinson (2004) stated “central to the belief that companies should be operated in a socially responsive way for the benefit of all stakeholders is the belief that managers will behave in an ethical manner” (p. 60). Even with a plan in place and ethical guidelines established, unethical behavior is always a possibility which could occur at a management or subordinate level. Too many top-level management and executives have acted inappropriately and have violated company policies. This was witnessed through events such as the Enron, WorldCom, and Bernie Madoff scandals where unethical behavior was called into
References: Pearson, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2004). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. University of Phoenix (2009). Williams Institute: Ethical choices in the workplace. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week One, STR 581 - Strategic Planning and Implementation. University of Phoenix (2009). Williams Institute: Ethics awareness inventory. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week One, STR 581 - Strategic Planning and Implementation.