Religion has become deeply ingrained into their society. In The Code of Edmund a killer must pay debt to the victims’ family and seek forgiveness by the church. The family of the fallen cannot seek vengeance for they have to turn the other cheek or suffer the king’s wrath. Religion was also used as a means to gain power and a means to control their realm. They also believed that all things good or bad are given to you by God. While his country was being destroyed Alcuin of York wrote to the King Erthelred that his city is being destroyed but only because it’s people have angered God and continuously broke his laws. The people would also develop an understanding of Heaven and Hell
God was punishing the people when they had failed or were being destroyed. It was by God’s will that these horrid events are happening against you because you have defied God’s Law. Alcuin of York blames the people of the city to why it is getting destroyed and that it is by the will of God you are getting slaughtered. This is God’s distain for the city because the people did not pray regularly along with the consent fornication, adultery and incest. People of the faith also believed that with a single prayer King Hezekiah defeated a massive army in one night with a single Angel. Even King Ethelbert would thank God for his daughter’s birth and would completely renounce the pagan ways if he was to survive his attempted assassination and was able to seek revenge on the enemy that hired the assassin. In his success he no longer worshipped his idols and convert his kingdom into Christian faith.