Undoubtedly, on matters concerning aspects of child development, the community starting with the family unit plays a very critical role. With regards to education and schooling experiences, the child’s social environment and interactions influences how the child adapts and behaves in the school environment (Anne & Karen, 2002). This is because ethnic and cultural practices in a community are passed through the family and these factors have been found to widely influence children and young people’s education and their schooling experiences. To clearly explore the influence that ethnic and cultural heritage has on education for young children; the two terms have to be defined.
“Culture” refers values, beliefs and norms that are …show more content…
They concluded that indeed race is a social construct and in fact they regarded it culturally constructed (Emmanuel, 2008). By culturally constructed, it means that race is a concept that people came up with; accepted and adopted. It is very important to understand race as a social construct because it explains how it can affects so many aspects of an individual’s existence. With regards to education and schooling experience for young children, race can be an influential factor. This is because race can positively impact the education and schooling experience of some children while it can negatively impact the education of others. There are inequalities to accessible education for some children as a result of their race. For example in India; children who are born in lower caste families don’t easily access education and if they do their learning experiences are not very good (Morrow, 2013). Moreover, usually completion of formal education for the children born in the lower caste communities is not a guarantee of employment or better yet, good employment. Therefore these children simply have very low expectations or aspirations to achieve anything academically. In Peru, the pattern of inequality in accessing education is notably high (Ames, 2012). For the original inhabitants that live in the rural areas, access to basic needs for example water, electricity etc is very difficult. Education for young children is also hard to access. In fact until the mid twentieth century; their children didn’t attend or receive any formal learning! When they do access education, the quality is usually substandard because they use special syllabuses and the schools are usually