ID. NO. :
D.E.E.P Method: Description, Emotion, Evaluation, Prescription (please answer in point form)
|Description: |Emotion: |
|What do you see and hear in the video? |What do you feel while/after watching the video? |
| | |
|The ongoing hatred and massacre between the religion of Muslim and Christian held|The strong belief in our religion that could tear a community apart |
|in Nigeria |Our country , Malaysia lacks the enthusiasm of uniting and peace between races |
|The citizens of North Nigeria suffer along as the conflict between the two |The heart-warming feeling to see how joining force could bring to the people and |
|religions gradually becoming intense even when they are standing equal. |society to make it a better place filled with love and peace |
|The leader of Christian religion , Pastor Wuye and the leader of Muslim religion |The disappointment to see that this is what Malaysia is facing and no improvement|
|, Imam Ashafa |is made yet. |
|saw each other’s good deep within when Pastor’s mother fell ill and Imam went to |The cruelty made by religion conflicts caused their men to sacrifice under their |
|visit her with his fellow friends. |intolerance and dishonest. |
|The enthusiasm and keen to