(4-5 slides including the title page)
(The following structure is based on one student’s observation of a restaurant)
1. Title: Analysis of an Restaurant Culture in Brisbane
2. Setting at which observation took place (Suggested time: 1 minute)
a. Where? (Restaurant)
b. When? (specific time/number of hours of observation)
c. Who? (staff and customers in a restaurant where you are working)
3. Significant cultural behaviour patterns shared in the restaurant (3 min)
a. Regulars and their behaviour patterns
b. Customers’ behaviour (relating to ethnic groups if any, or male customers or female customers)
c. Staff’s behaviour patterns (how they interact with certain customers using verbal or non-verbal communication).
4. Cultural inferences reached based on your observations (facts) (2 min)
a. A friendly environment and culture (e.g., a restaurant)
b. Staff members were very helpful and friendly.
c. Some customers were more friendly than others.
d. Interaction (using two-sided communication relating to both parties) between staff and customers was important in creating and constructing a friendly culture.
5. Applying theory: Discussion in regards to relevant publications (2 min)
a. The above findings support the literature about the importance of good employee-customer interactions which is a key to a successful relationship building.
b. Also evidence about high- and low-context cultures (e.g., Asian customers).
c. However, there are also findings contrary to literature (relating to customer relations, etc. or cultural distance)
6. Concluding remarks: Implications (0.5-1 min)
a. Implications for learning culture if any (e.g., through experience and practice as part of the culture).
b. Implications for international management if any