Gabriella Cowperthwaite (2013) the director of Black fish uses logos to illustrate what is happing at SeaWorld. Black fish is a documentary about SeaWorld and the orcas that “live” there. In SeaWorld they have a male orca named Tilikum. Tilikum has a reputation for lunging at trainers and even killing them (Cowperthwaite, 2013). SeaWorld bough him form …show more content…
In the documentary Black fish director Gabriella Cowperthwaite (2013) is showing the viewers how horrific SeaWorld really is. Gabriella Cowperthwaite (2013) displays to the viewer by using pathos, she uses clips of men who are being paid by SeaWorld to take baby orcas out of the wild (Cowperthwaite, 2013). The documentary even shows the viewers the baby orcas being taken from their mothers and the mothers not being able to do anything about it. Gabriella interviews one of the men John Crowe that was a driver that SeaWorld hired to take the baby orcas out of the wild and John states “We only captured the little ones because of the shipping costs. I lost it I didn’t stop working though, it’s just like kid napping a little one with the mother standing right there” (Cowperthwaite, 2013). Gabriella Cowperthwaite wants people to recognize and understand what is going on. SeaWorld lost a lot of currency after this documentary, because people now understand what was truly going on behind all the flips, tricks, and how they received the orcas and how they transported them to their