Ethos Project
For Business communication class we were given the assignment of choosing two websites that where we could analyze ethos and provide how each website appealed to the audience. The two web sites that were chosen for this group project are, “UNICEF” and “Feed the Children”. We chose these two websites since these are charitable websites with good moral, good will and practices which provide great ethos. There were several differences in design and structure between the two websites which will be described in the following paragraphs.
On the web site for UNICEF, this organization is for the assistance to aide countries around the world. They distribute food, supplies, medicine to villages in foreign countries. UNICEF helps by building schools to educate the local inhabitants, so they can become self-reliant. Donations are the primary source of income for this organization. Which it disperses funds around the world. Many volunteers assist this organization by contributing their skills in areas most needed. The use of children faces grasps at you and draws your attention to certain stories. Smiling children learning at school, groups of people making wells so they can have water are a few things you will see on their web page. The option of selecting what language you would prefer to read the site is posted on the top of the page. The insignia for this organization uses the combination of the insignia of the United Nations with the inset of person and a child in the globe. The layout of the web site is not clustered, so it is easy to maneuver the site. The use of video also gives you an insight to what the organization does to help and assist people around the world.
The ethos presented in the Feed the Children organization website builds an interest of involvement and support but not as strong as other charitable organizations. At first glance, it displays a photo of a child holding a backpack with a saying “He sleeps with his