1. Introduction 2
2. The Lisbon Treaty – A Union for the 21st Century 3
3. The EU institutional framework: legal framework and main bodies for the EU cohesion policy 5
4. The Funds 8
5. Grouping of the Member States and its regions in the Fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion (2010) 15
6. Cohesion policy in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2007-2013 and in MFF 2014-2020 proposal 19
7. Conclusion: impact and future of the EU cohesion policy 23
1. Introduction
From Regional policy to Cohesion policy:
Achieving the goals of economic, social and territorial cohesion in all EU regions
The European Union's regional policy, today also referred as EU cohesion policy, seeks to reduce structural disparities between EU regions, foster balanced development throughout the EU and promote real equal opportunities for all.
The EU Cohesion policy, or in other words EU regional policy, is basically a tool for increasing the welfare of EU member states and to increase equality between them and between regions within these countries. The European Union helps with this policy mainly countries and regions which have fallen behind, because of various reasons, in their development. Today, EU gives more than 35% of yearly budget to successful carrying out this policy. Cohesion policy is an important part of member countries budget and they have to use these funds well.
Also the goal of this policy is also to increase competition between regions, by giving them funds for removing social and economical diversity between them. Member states can use these funds to increase their production, to create more possibilities for jobs and growth. With new jobs buying power of the nations people also increases, which gives new acceleration to overall production in the country. In this harsh economic