Literally means true bacteria, which includes all bacteria except for archaebacteria.
These bacteria form the domain Bacteria, previously called domain Eubacteria. It is one of the three domain systems, the other two being domain Archaeabacteria (now Archaea) and domain Eukarya (the eukaryotes)
-Eubacteria are also prokaryotic and reproduce asexually. -They are the most common bacteria found almost everywhere in the world. -Eubacteria have Peptidoglycan in their cell wall and no nucleus. -They are unicellular, but they can join together. -The three main shapes of Eubacteria are rod-shaped, spherical, spiral-shaped. Rod-shaped bacteria are called bacillus, spherical are called coccus, and spiral-shaped bacteria are called spirillum.-Eubacteria can be helpful or harmful. Some cause diseases, like strepthroat, while others help make food, like yogurt and cheese.-They create energy chemically either by absorbing nutrients through their cell wall or by absorbing sunlight.
-They include most of the familiar bacteria of medical and economic importance such as E. coli, Staphylococcus , Salmonella, Lactobacillus, Nitrosomonas, Streptomyces, etc.
People have found that some types of Eubacteria can be very useful. Some are used at wastewater treatment plants to help clean the water. Others are also used to make grapes into wine and milk into cheese.
Word origin: 1935–40; eu: in scientific coinages, means “true, genuine” + bacteria.
e.coli salmonella lactobacillus
Nitrosomonas streptomyces
Archaebacteria Definition noun, singular: archaebacterium
Unicellular microorganisms in the domain Archaea, which is genetically distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes, and often inhabiting extreme environmental conditions.
Examples of archaebacteria include halophiles (microorganisms that may inhabit extremely salty environments), methanogens (microorganisms that produce methane),