Why did the progressives succeed when the populists failed? populist farmers
What three elements prompted the reform movement known as progressivism? Immigration, decay of urban centers, political corruption
How did they seek reform at the local, state and federal level?
Referendum initiative recall
Why were “experts” so important in the development of the progressive ideology and practice?
What is Eugenics?
The science that studied the alleged mental characteristics of different races.
How did this play into larger issues of the day? Gave anti-immigration sentiment an air of professional expertise.
Who were some of the more prominent individuals? hg wells g stanley hall frances galton
What legal case came to define the ideas? Buck vs bell
Who were the muckrakers? Those who used journalistic skill to expose the underside of America.
How did they accomplish their goals? By writing books about morale corruption, taking pictures of children working factory jobs.
Who were some of the more prominent individuals? Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Lewis Hine, Upton sinclair
What local issues led to the creation of new forms of local accountability in the progressive age?
Why was local corruption worse than state or national corruption for most American citizens?
What were the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th amendments to the Constitution?
16TH-Authorized congress to enact a graduate income tax.
17th-Senators are chosen by popular vote, not state legislature.
18th-Prohibited the sale or production of liquor.
19th-Barred states from using sex as a right for …show more content…
What was the primary reason for American imperialism? One country bigger and stronger wants to take something from another. Coaling stations -lost
What intrinsically is it tied to? One country bigger and stronger wants to take something from another. europe
How was it expressed in our relationship with Hawaii, Cuba and Latin America?
In Hawaii we moved in and took over their sugar trade, we also overthrew their queen and annexed them later.
What did America do or not do?
How did America express its imperialistic ambitions?
What were the reasons the US became involved in a war with Spain in 1898? The Spanish were ill treating the people of cuba, the accidental explosion off the USS Maine, wanted CA and other land
What social crisis came out of that war when we examine the treatment of black soldiers?
How was racism in America expressed at the turn of the century?
What were some of the internal and external reasons for it? great migration jobs springfield lynching birth of a nation
How did the women’s suffrage movement progress in the aftermath of the Civil War?
Who were some of the more prominent members? lucy stone, stanton mott, stone, anthony
What controversies erupted between different groups?
What was the final strategy that provided success? NAWSA state by state
What was the significance of the McKinley Tariff? The tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent, an act designed to protect domestic industries from foreign
What is Taylorism? Pioneered what we call “SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT”-a problem that sought to streamline production and boost profits by systematically controlling costs and work practices.
How did this practice impact labor at the turn of the century? Saw the erosion of their traditional influence over the work process as a loss of freedom.
What conditions did child laborers experience at the turn of the century? Children faced the same working hours and conditions as adults. Sometimes kids had worse jobs crawling inbetween machines to fix things.
What protections were eventually put in place to protect them? National child labor committee, Fair labor standards act
How were women laborers treated? Given the 1/2as man’s wages,
What was the status of labor unions at the turn of the century?
What hampered the development of unions at the turn of the century? left out unskilled laborers, women, nonwhites
How did the socialist party and the IWW integrate itself into the labor conflicts of the era?
Who was Big Bill Haywood? The IWW’s most prominent leader, falsely accused of murder and kidnapped and taken to Idaho.
What happened to him? Falsely accused of murder and kidnapped and taken to Idaho.
How did Theodore Roosevelt handle the issues surrounding the growth of big business?
What did he do in response to the trusts? resolved trusts regulated corporations, established icc
Why were politicians and business leaders concerned when TR assumed the presidency after the assassination of William McKinley? Because they had bribed for mckinley to get in office and they knew teddy was about to lay the hammer down on big business.
How did Theodore Roosevelt deal with foreign issues during his administration? civil and uncivil speak softly and carry a big stick
How did he handle the crisis with the Japanese and the Columbians/Panama? war to japs, panama canal
How long had women petitioned for the franchise?
Who were some of the more notable early leaders in the women’s rights movement? Abigail adams, lucretia mott, Elizabeth cady Stanton,
What was the Equal Rights Party?
What impact would it have on the struggle for women’s franchise? ppl wanted but men didn't
How did Susan B Anthony try to force the issue of the franchise in 1873? By illegally registering and voting. Goes to trial to fight. Cant submit evidence, cant testify.
What two organizations were dominant in the struggle for the franchise at the turn of the century?NWSA-National womans suffrage alliance, AWSA-American womans suffrage alliance.
What was Carrie Catt’s plan to get the franchise? Winning Plan" to campaign simultaneously for suffrage on both the state and federal levels, and to compromise for partial suffrage in the states resisting change.—state by state
How successful was it? The 19th amendment was passed
Who was Harry Burns? Tennessee Assemblyman, was going to vote down the 19th amendment but his mom wrote him a letter asking him to change and he voted for the 19th amendment.