He had an uncanny ability to put everyone he met at ease. To crack a joke or flirt with waitress, he instantaneously became everyone"s best friend. He was a doting husband to my Grandmother for nearly 65 years. As a couple the phrase " Young at heart" seems as if it was coined just for them. He was an incredible Father to my mother Laura, my uncle Benji & aunt Aviva. He was the beloved Grandfather to my cousin Rory, annie, & Michael, and to my late sister Elizabeth and I. Whenever We needed help with school or work I knew that I could call on him for advice. He could help solve the simple problems and was also willing to give his wisdom and advice with larger life problems.
My Grandfather was the wisest person I have ever known. He was granted the gift of true Wisdom and yet pure Humility. To be in his presence was to be in the presence of Goodness
I'd like to read a passage from the book of wisdom, describing the gift of wisdom
" For Wisdom is more active than all active things; and reacheth everywhere by reason of his purity. For he is a vapor of the power of G-D, and a certain pure emanation of the glory of the almighty G-D; and therefore no defiled thing cometh into him. For he is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of G-D's Majesty, and the image of his goodness. And being but one, He can do all things; and remaining in himself the same, he reneweth all things."
No finer language can be used to describe my grandfather, the fact that he lived among us to 87years of age was a gift to all of us, a precious gift, and that death took him too abruptly must be seen as a mercy if we are to remain sane.
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