· Strengths: o The name Disney that had been well know all over the world o Financial strength from investors and profits in the other Disneylands o The amount of capital that was very sufficient
· Weaknesses: o Lack of research by the management o Poor forecasting and calculations o Tendency to believe that the Chairman would make it perfetc
· Opportunities: o To compete against the famous Eiffel Tower and Louvre Art Museum o Strategic location in which the park was surrounded by hotels o The $500 million investment from a member of the Saudi royal family
· Threats: o The Gulf War in 1991 o The world’s Fair in Seville and the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona o Currency movements that made it cheaper to go to Disney Orlando o Cultural difference and historical conflict
· Environmental factors: o The incident that happened during 1991-1992 such as The Gulf War, The world’s Fair, and Olympics o The ban on alcohol in the park that was not accepted by the French
· Management error of judgement: o Building expensive trams while visitors preferred to walk o Belief that French don’t eat breakfast which were not true o Disney emphasized on size instead of the entertainment value
· Element of consumer’s response: o People would go to Orlando’s Disney rather than EuroDisney o The French saw EuroDisney as American imperialism o Visitors spent less than estimated $33 per head
· Foreseeable
Special event such as the world’s Fair and Olympics should’ve been predicted to attract the visitors. Thorough research and survey at the cultural difference, currency movements, and consumer’s taste should be done prior to opening the park. On the other hand, they might not be able to predict the Gulf War. They could’ve done better forecast than what they did because they missed many foreseeable factors.
· Controllable
Considering the vacation customs of European the management can adjust when to open the park and