Adriana Lopez 12009377
In this research about the Dutch economy and the European Union, is the central question: Is the European Union good for the Dutch economy?
The answer of the question was answered in several steps. We had an interview with a teacher and mostly we did desk research. We interviewed a teacher of the Hague University that teaches economy.
The result of our research were, that the European Union is good for the Dutch economy. He explained what his point of view was of the Netherlands in de European Union and what the position of the Netherlands is. For the desk research we used sites from the Dutch government like the 'Centraal Planbureau ' and we had information of the official site of the European Union.
We used books that explained the Dutch economy, what the Netherlands import and export. We also have in the research the history of the European Union. Why it was invented, by whom and why the Netherlands decided to begin with the EU. The reason why the Netherlands started with the EU was, for safety. Safety was the major reason, in Europe there were lots of wars before and countries didn 't want to have war anymore. Now there are other reasons why the European Union is important. Reason who have access to the economy and trade between countries. The most important thing about the Dutch economy is that the Netherlands have an open economy. They need to trade with other countries otherwise for a small country as the Netherlands it is hard to have an economy on his own.
The Dutch economy is dependent on other countries, so for them it is good to stay in the European Union. There are some disadvantages why the Netherlands should not be in the European Union, we have to pay more. But on the other hand we receive a lot from the European Union. Table of
Bibliography: Bas Straathof, G.-J. L. (2008). The Internal Market and the Dutch Economy: Implications for trade and economic growth From Centraal Planbureau: Netherlands economy (2010). (The economy watch) From The Economy Watch The source is reliable because it is a website about the economy. Oijen, A. v. (1990). The Netherlands in the world: Buisness economy markets.