W.T. Stead: invest. Journalist; 1885 “Maidens Tribute of Modern Babylon”: child sex traffic, prostitution; bought girl to prove point, jailed; urban voyeurism
Battle of Verdun: 1916 WWI: France v Germany; deplete France’s resources, food, weaponry/soldiers; railway gun & rain transport for soldiers (FR); Schlieffen Plan ruined; Russia mobilizes; (DE) not as powerful
Christmas Truce: Xmas ceasefire; Germans and Allies; exchanges gifts, played soccer; body retrieval; last act of chivalry in war; humanity
Marshall Plan: initiative to aid Euro Euro economies after WW2 to prevent spread of Communism; rebuild, remove trade barriers, modernize industry;
H.P. Lovecraft: end of Newtonian physics, war depression, intellectual uncertainty, wrote about fict. Horror of unknown; imagination, decay of civil., human insignificance
Josephine Baker: US → FR; singer, dancer, actress; first black to star in major motion picture, integrate in US concert hall; world famous entertainer; Civil Rights contributions
International Monetary Fund: after WW2, 40s; pool of collective money to borrow; 29 → 188; int. economic cooperation, int. trade, employment, balanced exchange rate; info and influence on everyone’s econ. Policies
Treaty of Versailles: WWI Germany must accept responsibility, disarm, give back territory, and pay reparations; 130bn marks; “War Guilt”; blame DE for starting war and destruction; blame socialists, communists, Jews, outsiders for selling out the country; started WW2 pretty much
The Great Depression: 1930s, originated in US; income, tax revenue, prices and profits dropped worldwide; int. trade plummeted 50%; unemployment high; heavy industry cities suffered most; ended after WW2
Battle of Britain: WW2 air campaign: DE vs UK; 1940; fought entirely by air forces; superiority over RAF (royal air force); terror