Angela Merkel, although well respected due to her efforts to shape Germany. Her moves include making Germany a multicultural society through domestic policies, managing foreign affairs by strengthening transatlantic economic relationships, and guaranteeing private savings account deposits during the Eurozone Crisis.
François Hollande, President of France, has tried to put in measures to manage the budget of France, build strong relationships with Germany and the U.S., and reform pensions and labour laws in ways similar to Germany’s. On top of all that, he also supports LGBT rights. However, in recent months, his popularity has been going down since there has been no visible change in the country’s growth.
Matteo Renzi was appointed Prime Minister of Italy this year in February, and has taken steps to reform the government of Italy. He has since took action through domestic policies and foreign affairs, and is working on a new plan to speed up Italy's sluggish justice system, reform its schools and spur investment. These may sound promising but would be difficult to achieve since Italy is cash strapped.
David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, aims to build a better future for Britain by providing more families with the security of income each month, the best schools and skills for young people, and building an economy that delivers for people who want to work hard and get on in life. However, his methods have been accused by The Guardian as “the most prestigious of old-boy networks in his attempt to return the Tories to power"
Europe is the continent where fashion capitals, namely the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, can be found. The key players who drive the economy and trends of the European Union however, would be Germany, France, and Italy. The United Kingdom would also be mentioned since they are a strong and independent country which falls in the same geographical