The Customs Union is one the bases of the European Union and an essential element in the functioning of the unified market. The unified market can only function when there is a common application of common rules at its external borders. This implies that the 27 Customs administrations of the EU must act, as they were one. These common rules go beyond the Customs Union as such, and extend to all aspects of trade policy, such as preferential trade, health, environmental control, the protection of EU economic interests and the management of external relations. The creation of a customs union in the European Economic Community in 1968 was implemented internally through the abolition of customs duties, quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect between Member States and, on the external front, through the introduction of a common customs tariff and a common commercial policy. In fact, goods imported from third countries had to be treated in the same way by all Member States in order to circulate freely in the customs union. But the customs union itself had to be integrated into the existing international economic order, regulated by the 1948 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. On the EEC Treaty the Member States declared that in creating a customs union, they intended to contribute, in accordance with the common interest, to a harmonious development of world trade, a gradual removal of restrictions to international trade and the lowering of customs barriers. The creation of the customs union has led to strong growth in intra-Community trade, but the Community has not become insolated. Instead, it has developed into the world 's biggest importer and exporter. In addition, the rules of the GATT and the various international agreements created under their influence, formed the legal basis for the EU 's own commercial policy instruments and action, notably in the field of tariffs, the application of
Bibliography: Access to European Union: law, economics, and policies. The ultimate textbook on the European Union. 19th updated edition, Rixensart, 2011. DREVER Iana. Trade policy in the EU 's neighborhood ways forward for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements. Paris: Notre Europe, 2012.FORDHAM Benjamin, KLEINBERG Katja. ' 'How can economic interests influence support for free trade? ' ' in International Organization, v. 66, n. 2, Spring 2012,VILLALTA PUIG Gonzalo. ' 'Trade and investment relations between the European Union and Australia: for a bilateral economic integration agreement ' ' in European Foreign Affairs Review, v. 17, n. 2, May 2012,WOOLCOCK Stephen. European Union economic diplomacy: the role of the EU in external economic relations. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.ía, Juan Jesús Martos. "Las exacciones de efecto equivalente a los derechos de aduana en la unión europea. Análisis jurisprudencial." Crónica tributaria 144 (2012) | | | Home Page | FAQ | Sitemap | Links | Contact Us | Search: | |