STUDENT ID: J12010861
Expansionism was inevitable to serve various needs of the European powers. Answer the following questions:
1. What were the reasons/factors that triggered this interest?
Spread Christianity
Alternative route to the Asia market and also secure the route.
Increase the food production, resources and also labor.
Renaissance of the individualism
2. What were the countries that involved themselves heavily in expansionism"
Britain, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain
3. Where did they go?
Netherlands, Prince Henry went to West Africa
Spain, Christopher Columbus, Amergio Vespucci and Ferdinand Magellan went to South America
France, Giovanni Da Verrazano went to Eastern North America and found colonies.
4. What were the consequences of expansionism?
The European expansion had many effects. The social effects, this area were affected because of there was a movement of plants and animals between areas. The area that were most affected was the new world, Africa and Europe. Some of the effects were positive such as the use of horses for transportation in the new world, but the most effect was negative. The transportation of plants and animals caused many diseases to be shared between different parts of the world.
There were also many effects in the area of the economics. The European economy grew with expansion. This is because of traditional farms changed to include better technology, which increased productivity and profitability. The Europeans also became the leaders in mercantile capitalism, which strengthened their economy. Moreover, Columbian exchange was the greatest impact during the expansion. The Columbus exchange created Europe’s largest and longest surviving trade bloc. Besides Europe got affected, America also got affected. America lost their wealth to Europeans and the Native Americans suffered from diseases such as small pox.