a. Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
b. Seventeenth-Century Crisis and rebuilding. 16.1
c. What were some of the achievements and crisis of the seventeenth-century states?
d. During the Seventeenth-Century in Western Europe, there was economic and demographic crisis, central state building, warfare and growth of armies, and popular political actions.
II. Economic and Demographic Crisis
a. In the seventeenth-century, there was war, religious pilgrimage, food shortages, and even a mini ice age.
b. The rich bought white bread and most poor paid fees for brown bread.
c. The little ice age started and bad harvests led to famine. People died because of malnutrition and exhaustion.
d. Food prices were high, wages were low, and there was high unemployment.
e. Peasants and urban poor were first to be affected from bad harvests and the depression. They took action, rioted, seized bread, and sold it at a “just price.”
III. Seventeenth-Century State-Building: Common Obstacles and Achievements
a. Vast territories and nobles who shared in ruling tried to stop rulers who wished to increase their power.
b. Louis XIV was a model for absolutist power in Western Europe
c. In Britain kings were forced to have more representative power and moved toward constitutionalism.
d. Kings tried to increase taxation without consent and the growth in armed forces.
IV. Warfare and the Growth of Army Size
a. Driving force to build a stronger state was war.
b. King kept peacetime armies as well and used the troops for their own interests.
c. Armies got bigger because of having to fight on multiple fronts with multiple enemies at the same time.
d. Nobles led the armies into battle and had a high death rate. The king hired them in the army and forced them to be loyal.
V. Popular Political Action
a. Poor