This shaped the world and allowed for the imperial conquest of Africa. The advancement in Medical science and the industrial revolution changed history and cleared the path for Europeans to conquer Africa. The European super powers invaded a weak and dysfunctional Africa and initiated the so called “scramble for Africa” it established a sort of competency to see which country could conquer the most land. The Europeans portioned the entire African continent to prevent conflict between the countries, on the other hand this would induce collision between the native African villages a extravagate example would be the Rwanda genocide because it shows the impact that European segregation inflicted. Different enemy tribes even though they knew it would bring more conflict within the native Africans. The Europeans had to consider that immense amount tension between the natives and they knew that segregating tribes around the region would cause chaos and bring a period of oppression and violence to the
This shaped the world and allowed for the imperial conquest of Africa. The advancement in Medical science and the industrial revolution changed history and cleared the path for Europeans to conquer Africa. The European super powers invaded a weak and dysfunctional Africa and initiated the so called “scramble for Africa” it established a sort of competency to see which country could conquer the most land. The Europeans portioned the entire African continent to prevent conflict between the countries, on the other hand this would induce collision between the native African villages a extravagate example would be the Rwanda genocide because it shows the impact that European segregation inflicted. Different enemy tribes even though they knew it would bring more conflict within the native Africans. The Europeans had to consider that immense amount tension between the natives and they knew that segregating tribes around the region would cause chaos and bring a period of oppression and violence to the