Western European Integration
Political Science 477
Spring 2013
Research question: How far away is Albania from becoming a member state of European Union? Albania has multiple challenges to achieve the full integrating in the European Union. But, there are two major challenges; 1) the economic challenges and 2) the political challenges that are obligatory to its integration in the European Union. The economy is a challenge for Albania because the farmers industry and the food industries are underdeveloped, as a result does not meet the European Union standers to compete in EU markets. On the other hand, the political aspects are imperative, because the trust and the stability of the political system is a very important factor for European Union to give the membership to Albania. “The problem for Albania and other applicant states in the Western Balkans region is twofold. First, attitudes to further enlargement have hardened. In short the environment in which enlargement is debated and framed has become much more brutal for all applicant states. EU conditionality penetrates deeper and deeper into domestic politics and make more and more demands on local policy-makers to deliver reform in advance of membership. In many respects the EU constitutes a classic ‘regime-maker’ and candidate state and SAP states ‘regime-takers’ in a classical construct of asymmetrical power relations. The second problem is that all states in the Western Balkans region are contending with acute and fundamental difficulties in basic state building.” (O’Brennan, 2009) The integration of Albania, in the European Union, rests on its ability to make radical changes to the economy and the government of the country. To be a member of the European Union, a country has to fulfill many requirements
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