4th Period
Europeans began to settle in the New World for many different reasons. Some settlers for economic and other for religious. People who settled in the New England colonies were more focused on and influenced by religion for example John Winthrops " A Model of Christian Charity" sermon. Colonists who settled in the Chesapeake colonies were more focused and influenced by their aspiration of obtaining money. There were also differences in social, political, and economic aspects of these colonies. Along with these differences came tension between the colonies. New England colony economics were influenced by religion. Chesapeake economics were influenced by the ambition for gold and money. Most New England economics came from mixed farming. Chesapeake economics were obtained from tobacco cultivation. " In the interim recommends(that) all tradesmen and laborers consider the religious end of their callings, which is that receiving such moderate profit as may enable them to serve God and their neighbors with them arts and trades comfortably" (Doc. #E). Colonists in Conneticut believed that if farmers and tradesmen received proper wages they would avoid oppressing which is a sin. New England colonies were ruled by Puritans, and most settlers were puritan also. They wanted to impress God and carry out his plan of a great land( Massachussets Bay). Document "C" shows how most emigrants bound for Virginia in 1635 were majority men. Men were needed to work the tobacco plantations, and help develop the colony of Virgina. " There was no talk. . . but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold. . ."(Doc. F). the main prioirty of Virgina was to obtain gold, and indentured servants were perfect for the job. Chesapeake colonies most importantly Virgina relied heavy on servants. Only about 40% completed their five to seven year terms due to harsh conditions. After these terms were completed servsnts were given little land and a