2)There is a structure of my presentation and lets start by vocabulary.
3)There are the most important words from this presentation
The Structural Fund = Strukturální fond
The Cohesion Fund = Kohézní fond
European Regional Development Fund = Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
European Social Fund = Evropský sociální fond
Regional competitiveness = Regionální konkurenceschopnost
Railway Infrastructure Administration = Správa železniční a dopravní cesty
4)Lets look now at European Union Funds.
The Structural Fund and the Cohesion Fund are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union.
European Structural Funds provide EU Member States and regions with assistance to overcome structural deficiencies and to enable them to strengthen competitiveness and increase employment.
The current Regional Policy framework is set for a period of seven years, from 2007 to 2013.
The Structural Funds are made up of the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund
5)Moving on now to the scope of The European Regional Development Fund.
There we can see the Scope of this Fund.
The European Regional Development Fund contributes towards financing the following measures:
Objective "Convergence" modernising economic structures; creating sustainable jobs; stimulating economic growth; attention to areas with specific characteristics: urban, remote, mountainous, sparsely populated and the outermost regions
Objective "Regional competitiveness & employment" innovation and knowledge economy (research & technological development, innovation & entrepreneurship, financial engineering); environment and risk prevention (cleaning up polluted areas, energy efficiency, clean urban public transport, risk prevention plans); access to transport and telecommunications.
Objective "Territorial cooperation"