Euthanasia has become a topic for debate ever since Oregon legalized it in 1994(Time). Euthanasia can help people who are in tremendous pain by giving them a choice at ending it all in a painless manner. At the same time insurance companies will be saving millions of dollars every year for those people who do choose to. In Oregon is has been proven that euthanasia by a physician has had little abuse to come from the law being passed with all of the requirements being set in place before it is allowed to happen. (Time) Understandably some would oppose this simply because it is taking some one’s life is involved which some people will oppose no matter what. It also goes against others religion which is also understandable as to why they would oppose it. At the same time who are we to say that some one can not take their own life no matter how much pain they are in. That even though they are going to die soon any way and that everyone knows it that they have to just lay there in pain after the pain killers stop working and just wait for the end.
Ruth Benedict is an anthropologist ethicist who did not believe in transcultural or universal morals. Benedict more or less believed that cultures could not be evaluated as moral or immoral by an outside source and can not be evaluated by people who belong to the culture by transcultural standards either simply because she believed no such standard existed. Instead she believed that our reality is what and how we interpret the differences in different cultures is how we determine the difference between what is moral and what is immoral. So I believe that Ruth Benedict would take the stand on legalizing euthanasia so long that the individual would know what they are asking for and are in a state to clearly make the decision. I do not believe that the individuals family would make a difference as far as Benedict is concerned as long as the individual thinks what they are doing is the right thing for themselves.