Eutrophication is an increase in the amount of plant nutrients in a body of water(Ford-2000). A Eutorhication process that takes a long period of time to occur. It involves the transformation of a new lake and an old one. Because it has clear water and low nutrient content the young lake is called oligotrophic, and the older lake is different in that it is murky water and has a high level of nutrient, which is called atrophic. This process is natural and since it is it takes a long period of time to occur. For a eutrophic lake to become oliogotrophic it can take thousands of years. There is rapid plant and algae growth, which is called cultural eutrophication, which can have adverse affects on a body of water. This can lower the quality of the water in the process. A very similar experiment was the one that was performed in class using temperature, nutrients, algae, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, and sediment relationships.(Elsevier Science Publishing Co.-2005)
Freshwater resources can be associated with the eutrophication lab. Beside what we humans may believe only 2.5 percent of water on the earth is freshwater. As well as that being known, only very little of the water on earth is even drinkable, and the parts that are, are being consumed faster than they are being replenished. A pollutant that causes extreme damage to the human health is Fecal Coliform, and it's become a major concern for not being able to drink water. Mainly because it contains diseases causing bacteria.(Ford-2000) There are several other things that can be found in our water that can be harmful to us. For instants the streams and ground waters found in Colorado is an example. The waster water chemicals that are used everyday in our homes, work place, and agriculture; which include detergents, disinfectants, fragrances, and pesticides.(Sprague, Battaglin-2004) These different waster chemicals can enter into our water by way of different things. For example through