To: Tom Morrison, Accounting Department
From: HR Department
Re: 90-Day Employee Evaluation
A potential appraisal problem commonly found is unclear standards. Reasons for receiving mostly 3s on you 90-day employee evaluation may be due to the lack of communication of what your position entails. Another problem shown in your situation is that of leniency. Your supervisor has the tendency to rate all subordinates high or low. It has come to my attention that your biggest concern is why you are being evaluated on your experiences compared to the older, more experienced workers. The reason for this is because the longer these workers have been at the company in your division, the more experience they have gained and know what your supervisor expects of them. I suggest that you consult with some of your fellow co workers, preferably the “older, experienced” ones and ask questions pertaining to their experience. As for the HR department, we will address the issue regarding the process of his employee evaluation process and ensure the fairness aspect of it. Please allow a minimum of two days for the issue to be resolved.
Item 2:
To: Paul Lands, Computer Center
From: HR Department
Re: Performance Evaluation
I am sorry to hear about your situation when comparing your performance evaluations with your co worker. From what you have addressed, your supervisor is using the paired comparison method, which enables the more precise ranking method. For example, every trait (quantity of work, quality of work, etc.), you pair and compare every subordinate with every other subordinate. With this method comes some disadvantages, such as bias and leniency. In this predicament, your supervisor may be have been biased during the performance evaluation affecting the appraisal ratings you and your co worker received. If this is the case, I will speak directly to your supervisor and address the unfairness and appraisal problems present. Please allow