December 11, 2011
Dr. Hope
Evaluate Creative Thinking with Metaphor Analysis Evaluation of creative thinking encompasses five diverse areas of thinking, which are perception, personal barriers, language, feelings, and creative thinking. This paper will illustrate how the five thinking bases contribute to an individual’s creative thinking and include an analysis of metaphors applicable to the area. Perception Perception is the process by which people translate sensory impressions into a coherent and unified view of the world around them ("Perception"). With that the phrase “perception is reality” was created. Our senses result in playing a critical role in perception and behavior. “Are we sure of our sensual perceptions?” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 316 ) Do we have our facts correct? Do we have the data right? “Have we listened acutely and sensitively? Can we trust the speaker or writer?” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 316) Are we confident that our memory is accurate? (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). These questions must be asked before making decisions, as our perception of the situation affects our decision, and if our perception is not right, our decision may not be right. We think of our children as “the light of our lives, ray of sunshine, gift from God, reason for being, our compass in the dark, and good as gold” (J. Terry, personal communication, November, 28, 2011), when describing how important they are in our lives. This is our perception of them.
Personal Barrier Critical thinking is a skill not necessarily dependent on intelligence or education; however, used and applied by anyone with an open and objective frame of mind. However, some barriers of a personal and cultural nature prevent people from using their critical thinking skills fully. Their thinking processes can be affected by a variety of barriers, some with more potential dangers than others (Pinder, 2011). Try to understand what it affecting the
References: Kirby, G. R., & Goodpaster, J. R. (2007). Thinking, an Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thought (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.. Perception. (). Retrieved from Pinder, G. (2011, November 30). Eight Barriers to Critical Thinking. Retrieved from Ezine @rticle: Viziera. (2011, December 10). The Creative Thinking Process. Retrieved from Viziera: