Marxist theory is a tradition which was established in the mid 19th century. Marxism is a sociology of exploitation, it is a theory that believes that exploitation is at the heart of social system. Exploitation does not only happen 'economically' as the entire social system, culture, belief systems, politics and states are organised around the principle of exploitation. This essay will critically analyse Marxist and the political economy which has become a theatrical tradition on exploitation as well as explore different theories on Marxist.
Theorist such as Marx and Engle's believe the transition from feudalism to capitalism rise to economic and political dominance of the Bourgeoises. They also …show more content…
Capitalism trades in goods and markets which have been existed for millennia. Karl Marx (1818) defines good and services that are produced specifically for the markets as 'commodities'. Marxist see commodity is any goods or services produced by human labour and offered as a product for general sale on the market. Marx's capital is about CORE relationship between capital and labour. As Capitalism is also a social system which is centred on the principles of commodity production and profit making as money is the profit principle. As 'capitalist' invest in order to make profit as they are the 'owners of the means of production' as the labourer sells their labour power to capitalist for wages. As under capitalism, workers have no control over the production process which is based upon division of labour as labourers are given simple repetitive as well as boring tasks where the individual is not given an opportunity for worker …show more content…
As the capitalist society rules in the interest of the capitalist class to increase the economic business activity. The state also provides society with ideologies and false consciousness as the state is dominated as well as exploited class which is not clear to individuals to understand their situation is unjust and therefore, work for a living for example: peasants might believe in kings and gods and believe they should accept their loves with good grace. However, today in the 21st Century this tradition is continuing as well as Marxist argue that the tole of the media is reinforcing the dominant