DPOP = 4.613 x exp(-0.0005 x distance) (30) 301
3.8 Population within 3 km radius (NPOP) 302
NPOP, as per Equation 31, measures the population at risk within a 3 km radius from the ignitable substance at landfill. 303 For population greater than 13,000, NPOP = 5. 304
NPOP = 0.9574 x population0.1742 (31) 306
3.9 Distance to nearest building (DBD) 307
DBD and NBD indicate the risk of property damage because of fire or explosion. Equation 32 is proposed for DBD score. If 308 this distance is greater than 1000 m, then DBD = 0. If the distance …show more content…
Hazard Decision Model – Direct contact mode 331
HRDC reflects the hazard posed by the risk of coming in direct contact with toxic materials at the landfill site. HRDC score 332 is calculated using Equation 37. The source (HS), pathway (HP) and receptor (HR) hazard scores are calculated by 333 Equations 38, 39, 40, 41. 334
HRFE = HS x HP x HR x 100027000 (37) 335
For direct contact route, model parameters are waste toxicity (WT), Observed Evidence (E), Barrier (Bi), Containment 336 (Ci), distance to the sensitive environment (DSN), and Population (NPOP). 337
HS = WT (38) 338
HP = E, if E = 45 (39) 339
HP = Bi x Ci, if E = 0 (40) 340
HR = DSN + NPOP (41) 341
4.1 Waste toxicity (WT) 342
WT evaluates the hazard posed by a waste material due to direct contact with a receptor. WT for the most hazardous 343 substance is assigned as per Table-10 adopted from ERPHRS and ISM. Toxicity values for some common materials are 344 available in Table-11.