At the time the situation occurred, I would send the regular classroom teacher back to their classroom explaining that they should come back up to the office once they had a free period or at the end of the day. I would also send the special area teacher back to their classroom for the time being. I would take this opportunity to discuss the events of the altercation with the student. I would listen to the student’s side of the story. After hearing the student’s side, I would explain to the student that leaving the building during school hours is against school policy. I would explain that they proper way to handle that situation would have been to ask to go to the office to discuss the issue or cool down. There they could release steam from the situation and avoid the altercation with the teacher. I would then inform them that the situation will be investigated and disciplinary action is pending since they left the school building and talked to the teacher in an inappropriate manner. …show more content…
I would conference with the bullied student and hear their story. I would reaffirm their testimony from kids in the classroom at the time. I would attempt to determine the truth of the situation and distribute punishments accordingly. I would then call the parent and explain the investigation and the results of the investigation. I will vaguely tell them that the situation was handled for both the student who bullied and the teacher involved. I would explain that all bullying instances are taken seriously and eliminated immediately as they are